Macropay glossary
Welcome to the Macropay glossary!
Find the definitions of the key terms used in the payment industry and grow your understanding of this incredible field!
3D Secure
Fraud Prevention
It's an XML-based messaging protocol that allows issuers to guide cardholders through a two-factor authentication procedure for online trans...It's an XML-based messaging protocol that allows issuers to guide cardholders through a two-factor authentication procedure for online transactions. This way, the issuer can take responsibility for the procedure, reducing the risk of fraud. Its name comes from the three domains involved in the transaction: the acquirer, issuer, and payment gateway.
Acceptance rate
Represents the percentage of approved transactions out of all the payment attempts.
That is what we call access inside Macropay. An account can have many merchants, and from there, a user can control or supervise every aspec...That is what we call access inside Macropay. An account can have many merchants, and from there, a user can control or supervise every aspect of them.
Account Takeover
Fraud Prevention
Happens when unauthorized users gain access to legitimate user accounts to commit fraud. These attacks damage an organization's reputation a...Happens when unauthorized users gain access to legitimate user accounts to commit fraud. These attacks damage an organization's reputation and erode customer trust.
Account Updater
It is a service that helps businesses automatically update the latest and most accurate credit and debit card details for their customers.
Acquirer Reference Number (ARN)
It represents the identifier the acquirer gives to a transaction once it processes it. After that, it sends it to the card scheme, the issue...It represents the identifier the acquirer gives to a transaction once it processes it. After that, it sends it to the card scheme, the issuer, and back to the gateway. The ID tracks the transaction to the settlement files for future reconciliation.
Acquiring bank
Financial organization that processes card payments on behalf of a merchant, that operates under its country's laws and is a member of one o...Financial organization that processes card payments on behalf of a merchant, that operates under its country's laws and is a member of one or more card schemes.
Address Verification System (AVS)
Fraud Prevention
A tool that detects suspicious transaction activity based on the card owner's address to prevent credit card fraud. This instrument is provi...A tool that detects suspicious transaction activity based on the card owner's address to prevent credit card fraud. This instrument is provided by issuing banks and credit card processors.
Alternative Payment Methods (APM)
It is any way to pay online for goods or services that do not involve cash or a card. This term refers to digital wallets like Apple Pay or ...It is any way to pay online for goods or services that do not involve cash or a card. This term refers to digital wallets like Apple Pay or Android Pay.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
Fraud Prevention
They are the activities that financial institutions execute to fulfill compliance with legal requirements and scrutinize for suspicious tran...They are the activities that financial institutions execute to fulfill compliance with legal requirements and scrutinize for suspicious transactions that may be part of a money laundering scheme.
Fraud Prevention
The process that a merchant can appeal when they want to dispute a second chargeback. In these disputes, the card scheme is the ultimate rul...The process that a merchant can appeal when they want to dispute a second chargeback. In these disputes, the card scheme is the ultimate ruler in the case, determining who has the liability for the chargeback.
This is when a merchant automatically retries declined transactions using various rules.
Attestation of Compliance (AOC)
Testimony that an organization successfully demonstrated exceptional security best practices to secure cardholder data by complying with the...Testimony that an organization successfully demonstrated exceptional security best practices to secure cardholder data by complying with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
Fraud Prevention
Generally, this term refers to a payment succeeding or failing 3DS or another two-factor authentication system.
This is when the acquirer requests to approve a payment with the issuer via the card scheme network.
Authorization Rate
The percentage that represents the transactions accepted by the issuing bank divided by the number of transactions submitted.
Bank Identification Number (BIN)
The first digits of a card identification that refer to the card scheme members. All scheme members, acquirers, and issuers have a BIN.
Basis Point (bp)
It's a common way to refer to one-hundredth of a percent, pronounced "bips" in its plural form. This term appears in the calculation of cred...It's a common way to refer to one-hundredth of a percent, pronounced "bips" in its plural form. This term appears in the calculation of credit card processing fees. Basis points are essential in an interchange plus pricing model. In this context, credit card basis points refer to a payment processor’s markup on each transaction.
Billing Descriptor
The text on a customer's credit card or bank statement describing a transaction. It helps the customer to identify the charge and reduce pot...The text on a customer's credit card or bank statement describing a transaction. It helps the customer to identify the charge and reduce potential disputes.
Biometric Authentication
A system that uses unique human elements such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or voice patterns to confirm identities and process trans...A system that uses unique human elements such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or voice patterns to confirm identities and process transactions securely.
Fraud Prevention
It is a recording of customers who demonstrated suspicious or fraudulent transaction practices.
Buy Now Pay Later
A payment method that allows users to buy a product when they want it and pay for it later in different ways. The payment via BNPL is usuall...A payment method that allows users to buy a product when they want it and pay for it later in different ways. The payment via BNPL is usually safe for the merchant, while the provider carries the fraud and credit risks.
The subsequent financial operation following authorization. The issuer must capture the transaction to complete it and initiate the fund's f...The subsequent financial operation following authorization. The issuer must capture the transaction to complete it and initiate the fund's flow to settle with the merchant. Most payment service providers and acquirers allow automatic captures, but there are cases where delaying capture is a business need, like inventory checks, hotel checkouts, and manual reviews for fraud.
Card Brand
Represents the name of the institution that facilitates the card scheme.
Card not present (CNP)
The term refers to purchases without the physical plastic. It includes online payments and recurring payments.
Card scheme
Companies that provide the technical infrastructure and follow regulations in their branded cards. Some of the most popular ones are Visa, M...Companies that provide the technical infrastructure and follow regulations in their branded cards. Some of the most popular ones are Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Card Validation Code (CVC) or Card Verification Value (CVV)
A unique code printed on payment cards that helps authorize payments made online or over the phone. CVC/CVV numbers help protect you if your...A unique code printed on payment cards that helps authorize payments made online or over the phone. CVC/CVV numbers help protect you if your credit or debit card number in case of theft. It consists of a three or four-digit number usually located on the back of most credit cards.
Refers to the safe storage of a card's Primary Account Number (PAN) so it is available for different operations. Used for recurring payments...Refers to the safe storage of a card's Primary Account Number (PAN) so it is available for different operations. Used for recurring payments and for storing payment details with a wallet.
The legitimate owner of a card issued to them by the bank.
Cart abandonment rate
The percentage of users who add products to a shopping cart, but didn't finish the purchase.
Cart conversion rate
The percentage of users that add products to the shopping cart and complete a purchase.
Fraud Prevention
When the issuer demands a payment reversal on behalf of the cardholder, this could happen for several reasons.
Chargeback Cycle
Fraud Prevention
The chargeback process contains all the stages between a cardholder's initial inquiry or dispute through its resolution.
Chargeback Dispute
Fraud Prevention
A situation where the customer questions a registered transaction in his account, and the merchant, who performed a legitimate sale, tries t...A situation where the customer questions a registered transaction in his account, and the merchant, who performed a legitimate sale, tries to justify the keeping of funds of such a transaction.
Chargeback Management System
Fraud Prevention
It refers to the best use of tools, techniques, and strategies a merchant uses to minimize the impact of chargebacks on their business.
Chargeback rate
Fraud Prevention
A metric that shows the ratio of total chargebacks received and total transactions received.
Chargeback reason code
Fraud Prevention
An alphanumeric code is provided by the issuing bank when the merchant receives a chargeback. It represents the bank’s attempt at translatin...An alphanumeric code is provided by the issuing bank when the merchant receives a chargeback. It represents the bank’s attempt at translating the justification for a dispute into something your business can work with.
Chargeback representment
Fraud Prevention
Strictly regulated process for a merchant to dispute an invalid payment card chargeback. To do it, the merchant must provide all necessary d...Strictly regulated process for a merchant to dispute an invalid payment card chargeback. To do it, the merchant must provide all necessary documents to either the acquiring bank or payment service provider and an additional fee.
The point where the customer's account information and payment details are collected, the transaction is processed, and the purchase is comp...The point where the customer's account information and payment details are collected, the transaction is processed, and the purchase is complete.
Checkout Rate
The result of the division between successful conversions and the total visit count, expressed as a percentage.
Clearing file
A document that states the net balance in the chosen settlement currencies that the bank will receive or pay.
Co-branded cards
A card that a business, in partnership with a credit card issuer, offers to its clients. Co-branded cards usually earn merchandise discounts...A card that a business, in partnership with a credit card issuer, offers to its clients. Co-branded cards usually earn merchandise discounts, points, or other rewards when used with the sponsoring merchant, but they can be used anywhere that network is accepted.
Collection Rate
This rate reflects the percentage of the total billed amount from clients successfully received.
Compelling Evidence
Fraud Prevention
These are documents that a merchant submits with a chargeback dispute to prove the transaction is valid or otherwise contradicts the chargeb...These are documents that a merchant submits with a chargeback dispute to prove the transaction is valid or otherwise contradicts the chargeback.
Confirmed Fraud
Fraud Prevention
It refers to when a transaction has gone through a fake confirmation, making it fraudulent.
Contactless payment
It is a secure payment method using a debit or credit card that uses radio frequency identification technology (RFID), which allows identify...It is a secure payment method using a debit or credit card that uses radio frequency identification technology (RFID), which allows identifying objects uniquely using radio waves and near-field communication.
Control High-risk Merchants (MATCH)
Stands for Mastercard Alert to Control High-risk Merchants (MATCH). A system that allows an acquiring partner to look at whether another acq...Stands for Mastercard Alert to Control High-risk Merchants (MATCH). A system that allows an acquiring partner to look at whether another acquiring partner has terminated a merchant in the past and its reason for termination. It provides an opportunity to develop and review merchant risk before entering into a merchant agreement.
Credit card
It is a digital, plastic, or metal card issued by a bank or a financial services company. This card lets cardholders borrow funds and pay fo...It is a digital, plastic, or metal card issued by a bank or a financial services company. This card lets cardholders borrow funds and pay for goods and services with merchants.
Cross-border Payments
They are payments made from one country to another. Different fees may apply when these actions are made.
Customer Initiated Transaction (CIT)
Transactions initiated by the cardholder in any merchant's selling channels.
Debit card
It is a card that can replace physical money to make purchases using the funds of the cardholder's bank account.
Decline reason code
Code indicating the decline reason for a payment. The declines can be due to risk reasons on the PSP or acquirer side, or the issuer decline...Code indicating the decline reason for a payment. The declines can be due to risk reasons on the PSP or acquirer side, or the issuer declines it.
Refers to when a card payment is unauthorized for different reasons
Device Primary Account Number (DPAN)
It is a device-specific token from the wallet provider (e.g., Apple Pay, Android Pay) to identify the card associated with a cardholder's FP...It is a device-specific token from the wallet provider (e.g., Apple Pay, Android Pay) to identify the card associated with a cardholder's FPAN.
Discount rate
The Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) is what payment processing companies charge merchants and businesses for card transactions. Also known as t...The Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) is what payment processing companies charge merchants and businesses for card transactions. Also known as the Transaction Discount Rate (TDR) or discount rate.
Dynamic currency conversion (DCC)
DCC allows consumers to pay using their home currency in foreign countries. Customers can see the bill showing the cost in the local currenc...DCC allows consumers to pay using their home currency in foreign countries. Customers can see the bill showing the cost in the local currency, their home currency, and an offered exchange rate.
Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI)
Code used in response to 3D Secure transactions, specifically in EMV 3D Secure. It helps merchants determine if they should proceed, reject ...Code used in response to 3D Secure transactions, specifically in EMV 3D Secure. It helps merchants determine if they should proceed, reject the purchase, or try again.
These initials stand for Europay, Visa, and Mastercard, and it's a chip installed inside credit or debit cards to make their transactions mo...These initials stand for Europay, Visa, and Mastercard, and it's a chip installed inside credit or debit cards to make their transactions more secure.
Error message
It refers to the errors that could occur while a transaction is processed. (e.g., expired card, miscommunication with the issuer, insufficie...It refers to the errors that could occur while a transaction is processed. (e.g., expired card, miscommunication with the issuer, insufficient funds).
It refers to when a transaction is unprocessed due to errors by the merchant or the customer. These errors could be a bad internet connectio...It refers to when a transaction is unprocessed due to errors by the merchant or the customer. These errors could be a bad internet connection, incorrect payment details, or because they don't have enough money in their account to complete the payment.
It refers to the system that redirects transactions through a different payment provider. With a fallback MID, you will achieve a higher app...It refers to the system that redirects transactions through a different payment provider. With a fallback MID, you will achieve a higher approval ratio and sales income.
False Positive
Fraud Prevention
It is a transaction incorrectly identified as fraudulent. When reviewing its information and looking for evidence of fraud, a merchant might...It is a transaction incorrectly identified as fraudulent. When reviewing its information and looking for evidence of fraud, a merchant might decline it by suspicion. If it is valid, it is considered a false positive.
Financial institution
It is an establishment that manages monetary transactions, such as loans, mortgages, and deposits. Financial institutions are where consumer...It is an establishment that manages monetary transactions, such as loans, mortgages, and deposits. Financial institutions are where consumers can effectively manage earnings and develop financial footing.
This term refers to a card payment system that has four parties involved. These are the cardholder, the merchant, the issuer, and the acquir...This term refers to a card payment system that has four parties involved. These are the cardholder, the merchant, the issuer, and the acquirer.
Fraudulent Activity
Fraud Prevention
This type of fraud happens when someone makes an online payment without the account holder's authorization. It usually results from sensitiv...This type of fraud happens when someone makes an online payment without the account holder's authorization. It usually results from sensitive payment data theft, such as a victim's account number or PIN.
It is a type of payment that is designed to be easy and fast as possible for the customer.
Friendly fraud
Fraud Prevention
Refers to when a cardholder makes an online purchase using valid payment methods, only to later dispute the transaction by claiming that he ...Refers to when a cardholder makes an online purchase using valid payment methods, only to later dispute the transaction by claiming that he never made it. This happens because the cardholder forgot he made it or regretted buying it. This term is also called chargeback fraud.
It is a set of steps that defines all the stages a transaction goes through.
It is a technology platform that acts as the middleman in online transactions. It enables businesses to process various payment methods, suc...It is a technology platform that acts as the middleman in online transactions. It enables businesses to process various payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, and digital wallets.
They are the initials for General Data Protection Legislation. It is a European Union law that controls the use, process, and storage of per...They are the initials for General Data Protection Legislation. It is a European Union law that controls the use, process, and storage of personal data.
High risk
Fraud Prevention
It is a term that describes industries and businesses with a greater chance of chargebacks or fraud.
Identity Theft
Fraud Prevention
This type of payment fraud is where someone steals another person's personal information (like their name or credit card number) and uses it...This type of payment fraud is where someone steals another person's personal information (like their name or credit card number) and uses it to make purchases in the victim's name.
In-app payments
Refers to the purchases that you can make inside a particular app. The most common ones are buying perks for gaming apps and unlocking featu...Refers to the purchases that you can make inside a particular app. The most common ones are buying perks for gaming apps and unlocking features.
Also known as Buy Now, Pay Later, installment payment is a type of credit that allows customers to complete their purchase in multiple payme...Also known as Buy Now, Pay Later, installment payment is a type of credit that allows customers to complete their purchase in multiple payments over time.
They are fees that the merchant pays to the card-issuing bank every time a customer uses a credit/debit card to purchase in their store. The...They are fees that the merchant pays to the card-issuing bank every time a customer uses a credit/debit card to purchase in their store. These fees cover handling costs, fraud, and other risks.
It is the international messaging standard for payments with a transaction card.
Issuing bank
Financial institution that issues credit or debit cards to their customer's names.
Know your customer (KYC)
The mandatory process of verifying a customer's identity in opening accounts for fraud prevention.
Liability shift
Fraud Prevention
Refers to covering the losses from fraudulent transactions, from the merchant to the issuing bank, when the merchant has authenticated the t...Refers to covering the losses from fraudulent transactions, from the merchant to the issuing bank, when the merchant has authenticated the transaction using any 3D Secure protocols.
Local card scheme
Card scheme that operates in a single country. Unlike the international schemes which operate around the world.
Machine Learning
The branch of artificial intelligence and computer science that uses data and algorithms to imitate how humans learn, gradually improving it...The branch of artificial intelligence and computer science that uses data and algorithms to imitate how humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.
Mail Order Telephone Order (MOTO)
They are remote transactions where customers give their card information to companies via phone or mail. These transactions allow businesses...They are remote transactions where customers give their card information to companies via phone or mail. These transactions allow businesses to take and manage card transactions remotely.
The business or organization that sells a prodcut or a service. Inside Macropay this term refers to the different businesses that receive pa...The business or organization that sells a prodcut or a service. Inside Macropay this term refers to the different businesses that receive payments.
Merchant Category Code (MCC)
Four-digit numbers assigned by credit card networks to identify businesses and the goods or services they provide.
Merchant ID (MID)
A merchant ID is a code issued by card processors when you open up a merchant account. This number serves as an identifier that tells the ba...A merchant ID is a code issued by card processors when you open up a merchant account. This number serves as an identifier that tells the banks and credit card processors where the money is going, the use of it, and to ensure the funds are received correctly.
Merchant of Record (MoR)
A Merchant of Record is the term that describes the legal entity that manages all its payments. It arranges all due tax payments, ensures PC...A Merchant of Record is the term that describes the legal entity that manages all its payments. It arranges all due tax payments, ensures PCI compliance, and is responsible for refunds and chargebacks.
Merchant Primary Account Number (MPAN)
The code number that every credit or debit card uses as an identifier. It could have 14-, 15-, 16-, or even up to 19-digit numbers.
Merchant Service Provider/Independent Sales Organization (MSP/ISO)
This code identifies the merchant's primary account, where it receives and refunds all its transactions.
MIT (Merchant Iniciated Transaction)
A transaction that allows the merchant or a business to initiate payments on behalf of the customer with his consent. This type of transacti...A transaction that allows the merchant or a business to initiate payments on behalf of the customer with his consent. This type of transaction is common in recurring, installment, or subscription payments.
Mobile payments
Refers to any transaction made using a mobile phone and its e-wallets.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Fraud Prevention
It is a system that helps verify the customer's identity and reduces the chance of fraud.
NFC Payments
Near Field Communication (NFC), or contactless payment, occurs when an E-wallet or an enabled credit or debit card is present in a transacti...Near Field Communication (NFC), or contactless payment, occurs when an E-wallet or an enabled credit or debit card is present in a transaction.
It refers to the way merchants receive transactions across multiple channels.
It is a payment that customers are unlikely to pay again.
Payment Authentication
Fraud Prevention
Process that confirms a customer's identity through at least one or many factors like knowledge, inherence, ownership, and user location.
Payment Facilitator (PF)
Also known as PayFac. A company or service provider that allows merchants to accept electronic payments using the facilitator's infrastructu...Also known as PayFac. A company or service provider that allows merchants to accept electronic payments using the facilitator's infrastructure.
Payment gateway
Technology that reads payment cards and sends the customer information to the merchant bank for processing.
Payment Management
It is the process of handling payments and its data. It involves processing invoices, keeping track of payment history, smart routing, and m...It is the process of handling payments and its data. It involves processing invoices, keeping track of payment history, smart routing, and managing refunds and chargebacks.
Payment Method
It refers to the way that merchants collect payments from their customers. These include credit cards, digital wallets, direct debit, offlin...It refers to the way that merchants collect payments from their customers. These include credit cards, digital wallets, direct debit, offline payments, and many others.
Payment Orchestrator
Refers to a platform that uses different payment service providers, acquirers, apps, and banks in a single place. It acts as a central hub t...Refers to a platform that uses different payment service providers, acquirers, apps, and banks in a single place. It acts as a central hub that allows merchants to manage and coordinate the entire payment process of businesses, enhancing their efficiency and improving the overall payment experience.
Payment page
Web page on the merchant's site that allows customers to purchase items safely.
Payment routing
It refers to the creation and customization of channels to redirect payments. It makes them move through specified banks, service providers,...It refers to the creation and customization of channels to redirect payments. It makes them move through specified banks, service providers, or other variables to improve the approval ratio and avoid fraud. It also helps you recover lost transactions by setting up auxiliary routes and MIDS for certain payments that match specific variables, allowing you to get more transactions you thought had previously failed.
Payment Service Directive (PSD)
It is a regulation passed by the EU that creates an open, competitive, and secure payment landscape across Europe.
Payment Service Provider (PSP)
They are third-party companies that enable electronic transactions between customers, businesses, and banks. They also let merchants accept ...They are third-party companies that enable electronic transactions between customers, businesses, and banks. They also let merchants accept several payment methods via a single platform or integration.
Payouts refer to the expected monetary returns from the transference of funds from one party to another, typically from a business or organi...Payouts refer to the expected monetary returns from the transference of funds from one party to another, typically from a business or organization to an individual or another entity.
PCI Compliant
This means the company performs under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Regulations. A company must periodically demonstrate ...This means the company performs under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Regulations. A company must periodically demonstrate that it processes, stores, or transmits credit card information to maintain a secure environment to be compliant.
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of rules that enhances payment data security and facilitates the widespr...The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of rules that enhances payment data security and facilitates the widespread adoption of consistent data security measures.
Point of sale (POS)
The device used to process transactions by retail customers. POS terminals can process credit cards and debit cards. It may be a physical de...The device used to process transactions by retail customers. POS terminals can process credit cards and debit cards. It may be a physical device or a checkout point in a web-based store.
It is a type of authorization that allows the merchant to capture a payment of a customer-approved transaction.
Fraud Prevention
It occurs when a cardholder disputes a transaction for a second time with more evidence after a chargeback reversal.
Is the temporary hold of funds on a customer's credit card by a merchant. This is used to ensure that the customer has sufficient funds to c...Is the temporary hold of funds on a customer's credit card by a merchant. This is used to ensure that the customer has sufficient funds to complete de payment.
Primary Account Number (PAN)
They are the unique combination of numbers that identify a credit or debit card. It can contain from 12 to 19 numbers.
Payment processing is the steps or actions that allow fund transference from the customer's account to the merchant's account.
It is a company responsible for managing the card transaction process, keeping the role as an intermediary between the bank and the merchant...It is a company responsible for managing the card transaction process, keeping the role as an intermediary between the bank and the merchant.
Stands for Directive on Payment Services 2. It is a set of laws and regulations that aim to keep customers safe when they make online paymen...Stands for Directive on Payment Services 2. It is a set of laws and regulations that aim to keep customers safe when they make online payments and promote innovative payment technologies.
The latest set of proposals for the Stands for Directive on Payment Services. A set of laws and regulations that aim to keep customers safe ...The latest set of proposals for the Stands for Directive on Payment Services. A set of laws and regulations that aim to keep customers safe when making online payments and promote innovative payment technologies.
QR (quick response) code
It is a code that can be scanned by an electronic device and which stores information in a series of pixels in a square grid.
Fraud Prevention
Stands for Rapid Dispute Resolution. It is a service that helps merchants by automating the chargeback dispute resolution process. With it, ...Stands for Rapid Dispute Resolution. It is a service that helps merchants by automating the chargeback dispute resolution process. With it, they can protect themselves from fraud and improve the cardholder experience.
Real-time payment
It is a technology that instantly transfers funds between two bank accounts.
Reason Code Matrix
They are codes given to payments by the central bank or government for regulatory reporting. They provide details about a payment reason to ...They are codes given to payments by the central bank or government for regulatory reporting. They provide details about a payment reason to the payment system or bank.
Financial process that ensures that payments made or received are consistent. It does this by matching and comparing transactions with the r...Financial process that ensures that payments made or received are consistent. It does this by matching and comparing transactions with the records of the accounting books and financial statements.
Recurring payments
Also known as subscription payments, they are repeated transactions charged automatically to a customer in periodic intervals.
It is a return of funds to a customer that the merchant already charged.
This means the payment has not been successful. There could be several reasons why this could happen. The most common ones are insufficient ...This means the payment has not been successful. There could be several reasons why this could happen. The most common ones are insufficient funds, expired cards, or authorization issues
Fraud Prevention
The process by which a merchant disputes a chargeback and provides evidence that the transaction was valid and should be in his favor.
Fraud Prevention
This means that a cardholder or the issuing bank needs more information about a transaction. It is a sign that the transaction will begin th...This means that a cardholder or the issuing bank needs more information about a transaction. It is a sign that the transaction will begin the chargeback process.
Retrieval request
Fraud Prevention
Denotes the first step in the chargeback process. This means that a cardholder or the issuing bank is requesting more information about a tr...Denotes the first step in the chargeback process. This means that a cardholder or the issuing bank is requesting more information about a transaction.
Risk Scoring
Fraud Prevention
It is a tool that compares online card transactions against established rules and databases of past transactions.
Rolling reserve
It is a percentage of a merchant's gross sales retained by a payment processor or merchant account provider that covers the cost of chargeba...It is a percentage of a merchant's gross sales retained by a payment processor or merchant account provider that covers the cost of chargebacks or refunds on a specific period.
Fraud Prevention
It stands for "System to Avoid Fraud Effectively" and consists of a repository of fraud transactions reported daily to Mastercard. The card ...It stands for "System to Avoid Fraud Effectively" and consists of a repository of fraud transactions reported daily to Mastercard. The card scheme creates these files and makes them available for all issuers and acquirers to help mitigate fraud.
Scheme chargeback program
Fraud Prevention
Program imposed by the scheme that enforces an acceptable number of chargebacks across the network. When the chargeback rates surpass this l...Program imposed by the scheme that enforces an acceptable number of chargebacks across the network. When the chargeback rates surpass this level, the merchant or the acquirer receives a warning notification, and the only way to get out of it is to reduce the number of chargebacks.
Stands for software development kit. It contains the tools to build software for a particular platform. These also help app developers to in...Stands for software development kit. It contains the tools to build software for a particular platform. These also help app developers to integrate their creations with other programs.
Self Assesment Questionnaire (SAQ)
It is a questionnaire for compliance with PCI DSS. The questionnaire is for merchants who outsource the processing to a certified provider. ...It is a questionnaire for compliance with PCI DSS. The questionnaire is for merchants who outsource the processing to a certified provider. Merchants are required to perform the SAQ every year.
It refers to the transference of funds between parties in the payments ecosystem. The settlement to the merchant includes payment for all ca...It refers to the transference of funds between parties in the payments ecosystem. The settlement to the merchant includes payment for all captured transactions, net of fees, and chargebacks.
Successful payment
It is when a payment is processed entirely and has no other stages.
Fraud Prevention
TC40 is a repository of fraud transactions daily reported to Visa. The card scheme creates these files and makes them available for all issu...TC40 is a repository of fraud transactions daily reported to Visa. The card scheme creates these files and makes them available for all issuers and acquirers to help mitigate fraud.
Third-Party Processor (TPP)
It is an entity that lets merchants accept card payments without setting up their merchant accounts. (e.g., Paypal or Stripe)
Three-party scheme
In this model, the card scheme enters into contracts with merchants and cardholders, managing the risk without relying on a network of issue...In this model, the card scheme enters into contracts with merchants and cardholders, managing the risk without relying on a network of issuers and acquirers.
It refers to replacing a liable data element with a non-sensitive equivalent with no meaning or value. The term refers to a token that repla...It refers to replacing a liable data element with a non-sensitive equivalent with no meaning or value. The term refers to a token that replaces a PAN.
Traditional Payment Methods (TPM)
It refers to direct transfers, debit and credit cards, or cash transactions between the buyer and seller.
It is a deal between a customer and a business to exchange financial assets and every other operation related. But this is only one of the s...It is a deal between a customer and a business to exchange financial assets and every other operation related. But this is only one of the steps in an intense flow of information exchange between several parties: gateways, acquirers, brands, and issuing banks.
Transaction Dispute
Fraud Prevention
Refers to when a consumer complains about a transaction because of fraud and a lack of merchant follow-through.
Transaction Monitoring
This term refers to customer transaction monitoring made by the merchant. Includes assessing historical customer information and interaction...This term refers to customer transaction monitoring made by the merchant. Includes assessing historical customer information and interactions to provide a complete picture of the activity.
Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA)
Fraud Prevention
It refers to analyzing the risk scores (and other factors) of every part involved in the transaction (issuer, acquirer, and merchant) concer...It refers to analyzing the risk scores (and other factors) of every part involved in the transaction (issuer, acquirer, and merchant) concerning their location, time, spending habits, and other behavioral patterns.
True Fraud
Fraud Prevention
This type of fraud occurs when a purchase is made using a lost or stolen credit card without the cardholder's authorization.
Two Factor Authentication
The system involves the use of two different factors of authentication to verify a customer's identity and confirm the transaction.
VFMP- Visa Fraud Monitoring Programme
Fraud Prevention
It is an initiative that specifies merchants with high fraud and instructs them to reduce this activity within a timeframe to remain complia...It is an initiative that specifies merchants with high fraud and instructs them to reduce this activity within a timeframe to remain compliant.
Visa Dispute monitoring program (VDMP)
Fraud Prevention
Visa's global program monitors disputes, defines non-compliance, identifies accounts with excessive dispute activity, and demands merchants ...Visa's global program monitors disputes, defines non-compliance, identifies accounts with excessive dispute activity, and demands merchants reduce them to remain compliant with Visa's standards.
A canceled transaction by the merchant before being settled by the cardholder's bank, and the merchant has already received payment.
It refers to a financial transaction application that runs on any connected device. The wallet could have access to the customer's card and ...It refers to a financial transaction application that runs on any connected device. The wallet could have access to the customer's card and issuing bank.
Fraud Prevention
Involves creating or adding different trusted entities or individuals to a list that allows them to receive access to payment services.
Zero-value auth
It refers to the action of verifying cardholder information without charging any funds.
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