Checkout integration

Checkout experiences adaptable to any business

Macropay lets you pick between standard and iframe by input payment forms and fit them into your checkout experience, guaranteeing a safe and smooth experience in every part of the payment process.

Up and running in no time

Start accepting sales right away with our hosted payment page!

The Macropay standard payment form allows you to admit e-commerce payment methods efficiently.

It is entirely plug-and-play and designed to guarantee a quick and easy setup in any language so you can receive online payments instantly.

The forms are also fully PCI compliant and guarantee a safe environment for you and your customers during the entire cashier experience.

The Macropay checkout experience adapted to a business.

Create the payment experience you always wanted

Customizable hosted payment page that suits your needs

Macropay understands that businesses come in many shapes and sizes. Knowing this, it offers an intuitive customer checkout journey with adaptable inputs.

It lets you modify your customer checkout experience to fit your business objectives and gather additional information about your clients by customizing different fields in the checkout form like zip code, address, email, and any other you want. You can also make it fit with your brand look and feel by changing colors, field order, layout, and borders.

A personalized payment page will boost customer satisfaction by guaranteeing a purchase without difficulty, increasing your conversion rate, and helping you make better decisions with the extra inputs you add.

An image depicting a payment platform.

The client data is always up to date

Update your client payment data in both experiences

Macropay works with the latest security and account update services in all of the payment experiences that it has to offer. It is PCI-compliant, tokenizing and encrypting your client-sensitive data with SDK technology. Not only to guarantee a safe environment but also to keep your clients info up to date, which is ideal for subscription models.

Image of a credit card and an office worker.

Boost your business

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